
This section contains a listing of various media I have created for different purposes. I created Internal Instruction videos for one of my jobs. I did some post production and editing for a few different videos, and I also stream fairly regularly various PC games and such.

Check the various videos out below! There is also links to my various video and streaming platforms below. Head over and subscribe so you can watch a live stream.


N750 OpenWRT Install
N750 OpenWRT Password Change
N600 OpenWRT Install

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Fallout 76 Adventure Mode - Level 146ish - Sneak Gunfu Rifleman Berserker Build 8.16.19
Grand Theft Auto V Online Mission: Deal Breaker
Dirt Rally

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Post Production

SNGL SpeedRunners - March 18th 2017
SNGL Samurai Gunn - March 18th, 2017
SNGL Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale - April 15th 2017

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